Forum on Bauhaus Urban Renewal and Conservation of Historic Buildings

Forum on Bauhaus Urban Renewal and Conservation of Historic Buildings

time Topic Guest
13:00 -14:00 VIP TOUR
14:00 -14:10 welcome speech
14:10 -15:00 Hyperlinks (Hyperlinks on the past, present and future of the city)

ZHANG Hongyan

HONG Jielian



SUN Zheng

15:10 -16:00 Serving the Contemporary

Jens Kump

HE Wei

BO Zhenqi

16:00 -16:30 never-ending changes and improvements

LI Ying

Flavio Maria Mazzone

YUAN Shuai

16:30 -17:00 Dialogue: The Localization of Global Bauhaus - Conservation of Historic Buildings

LV Man