Interview of CADE2020 Exhibitors

Themed Exhibition Zone of "Design for the People"

Liu Yulong (right), Vice president and deputy chief architect of The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University

Zou Zijing (left), Vice president of Tongji University Architectural Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., LTD

Themed Exhibition Area of Healthy Housing Iterative Upgrade in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Zhang Lei, Secretary-general of Academic Committee of Healthy Human Settlements of Architectural Society of China

Themed Exhibition Zone of "Station - City Fusion"

Bo Hongtao, Director and Chief Architect of ACCTN

thomas fritzsche architects | tfa

Founder + Head of Design thomas fritzsche architects | tfa, Member of the German Chamber of Architects, Member of the German Sustainable Buildings Council (DGNB), Member of the German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai

Resysta CEO